Across Jamaica, but mainly in the Kingston area, creative workshop series are being held in schools, churches and communities. The series which is a tool to empowering the creative mind of youth, is being put on by OAaSIS International Foundation in partnership with members of the creative industry.

OAaSIS visits high schools with the focus on the CXC curriculum, especially assisting with research papers on Jamaican artists, during the creative workshop series tour.
OaaSIS sensitises youth at the basic and primary level with workshops and more on physical visits.
OAaSIS seeks your input with products or funding in our creative workshop series, and/or physical input as motivator or co-ordinator for project/ workshop

The Foundation and its projects is fully endorsed by the Ministry of Education. Click here

The series is the first project during the first operational phase of the Foundation mainly concerned with sensitising especially Jamaicans about “The Critical Role and Impact of the Arts.”

Targeting youth between 0-25 years, the first one held at the Allman Town Primary from January 13 – 22, 2010, was impacting with presenters from both the creative industry and other fields.

See more videos on You Tube on the OAaSISintTV channel.


1. Creative workshop series
1a. – Kingston: Allman Town Primary (January 13-22): Click to read more
1b. St Catherine: Sargeantville (March 28): Click to read more
1c. – at Kingston: Port Royal (April 23)
1d. – Kingston: Saint Theresa’s Prep (May 4,6,7)
1e. – Kingston: Port Royal Pt 2 (May 19,20,21)
1f. – St Ann: Runaway Bay: Christopher Gonzalez Gallery Home (June 15)
1g. – Kingston: Trench Town Community (July 17)
1h. – Ewarton High School (November 15)
1i. – Kingston: New Hope Preparatory (downtown Kingston)
1j. – Kingston: Hermitage
1k. – Kingston: Jones Town
1l. – Kingston: Holy Family
1m. – Kingston: New Hope
1n. – Kingston: Rockatowa
1o. USA: Florida: Biscayne Blvd (July/August)

Kingston: Rema

Kingston: Jungle
Kingston: Boys Town
St Catherine: Sligoville
St Thomas: Lyssons
Kingston: Tivoli
Kingston: Rock Hall Primary
USA: Washington DC
USA: New York
USA: Atlanta
BACK TO Allman Town Primary


For youth at the secondary level, assistance can be had on research papers for CXC examinations.
For students at the primary level, assistance can be had in literacy and numeracy through set art projects
For youth at the tertiary level, assistance can be had in doing research papers for thesis and other projects. Internships are available.
For all youth 0-25 and anyone who is young at heart, membership in the Pickney International Creative Youth club is possible. THE PICKNEY INTERNATIONAL CREATIVE YOUTH CLUB, which will be mostly by correspondence activity sheets and co-ordinated visits is being instituted to hone skills and ensure awareness on a continued basis, establishing long term connectivity. The club also assists with specific needs mentioned above on a more long term basis.

SPONSORSHIP is being sought to offset expenses including, travel, material, membership in the PIcyc club.

“OAaSIS empowers creative minds, creativity and mobilises strategic action, to accomplish realistic goals in THE REEL SENSE!” – Anthea McGibbon

Schools, churches and communities are invited to submit a letter of request, or make contact through this site, or call 876-797-7297