The following is a pictorial on the 2011 Labour DAy project. Photos damaged have been
Labour Day 2011 saw the community of Sargeantville and nearby residents turning out to show appreciation for the efforts of the now deceased Pastor John Smellie
The combined OAaSIS and community team seeks assistance with material and hands on assistance for the library.
Labour Day 2011 was a happy day for children and adults alike, especially those so inspired to support the Labour project on Monday 23 – reparing the building
Several inspired residents are now busy reparing the pledged building for the library, recently weather damaged, starting with the floor.
The books for the library at Sargeantville Community catering to over 10,000 residents have LANDED in Jamaica at the Kingston Wharf!
Update on projects of the OAaSIS International Foundation, operating not-for-profit. Do enjoy as we take pleasure in serving others. Donate cash, kind, talent
The OAaSIS seeks to furnish the already pledged building with books, at least one computer and volunteer teachers as a start, and needs volunteers.