On January 1 at 12 midnight, on facebook alone OAaSIS is 112 members strong. Through the website, OAaSIS has received twice that subscription.
Your consideration and decision to join has been a positive sign that we care about the Arts.
In 2010, the OAaSIS core team deeply wish you all success beyond your wildest imagination, knowing fully well that God the greatest creator, composer, ARTist is the best in inspiration, and guidance. I, as founder am here from wherever I find myself to support you in any way to realise your full potential, and what’s more now there is a growing network of creative, and skilled persons and well wishers sending you at least postive energy. So through thick and thin, in Jamaican terms “meaty and mawga” — BE HAPPY — and let your potential be fully realised and utilised to achieve the most of the best already put down with your name on it this year and beyond.

AS FOR OAaSIS, we do have an exciting schedule for you! We fully believe with an understanding of the Arts can contribute greatly to the development of today’s youth and aid them in being successful in all areas.

So our first project is travelling through schools to sensitise youth to the Arts, and hopefully to remove negative stigmas attached to the Arts, and practitioners. More importantly today’s youth starting with Jamaicans will be better equipped to utilise arts postively.

Our first project, a creative workshop series, kicks off at Allman Town Primary over six days between January 13 to 22.

Please support it in any way you can. The facebook link is at

After that we’ll swiftly move to complete our list which includes Sargeantville (Saint Catherine), Hermitage (Saint Andrew), Port Royal!
Here’s to you teaming and travelling with us!
Our second project will afterwards be training sessions for adults, stay connected. You can also request our assistance through the website www.oaasisinternational.org.

– Respectfully,
Anthea McGibbon
Your Arts and Communications Consultant,
and from the OAaSIS core team (Derrick Wilks, Barrington Watson, Ken Hendell(Gallart.com, US), Patrick James, Melhanie Spence, The Kings(Jazz Report, Canada), Oscar Derby, Dwane Forbes, Allan Bucknol, Wyvolyn Gager)

IN ADDITION Providing you with Full Art News at www.antheamcgibbon.com; The Gleaner; Yush(UK); Street Hype newspaper(NY); Jazz Report (Canada); FOLLOW IN THE MEDIA

SPECIAL NOTE: In no way OAaSIS seeks to replace any existing institution, teacher of the Arts, rather its members join to support all who promote the creative mind and its yield once used postively; also to assist today’s youth in better understanding the critical role of the arts positively especially where no formal arts programme is set up in schools and/or communities.
BE HAPPY — Together we can
JAMAICA’S MOTTO: “Hardships there are, BUT the Land is green, and the sun shineth”

Respect to all those who strive to positively impact on today’s youth and artists(es), and to ensure that they impact us postively from the ARTS!

Huge Thanks!