Day 2 on May 20 at Port Royal was all about the visual arts. For the full two hours there were only four presenters, but the workshops were intense and enjoyable.
After the national anthem, there was a short contest between two of the active participants, Jadeen Gordon and Gilenae Blake, the day before as to who remembered the most. They were vying for the last gift basket donated by Wisynco for the participants the day before and Blake won.
Next the Berger team, Sydney Jumpp and Fred Emmanuel, joined by OAaSIS founder Anthea McGibbon were impressive. The children were taught how to make several patterns using Berger Paint and tools.
Afterwards while the next presenter Howard Moo Young did a special workshop session on photography, drawing, illustration and painting, the Berger team now joined by Melhanie Spence on the outside, taught the younger children to do other patterns in addition to the ones they were taught earlier on.
They had to be even more creative, as outside the humidity made the paints dry faster.
Inside the older students joined by a few teachers also had a ful exposure to some of Moo Young’s series, especially where he did three versions of the same subject through drawing, photography and painting, illustrations. He then gave away some of his posters much to the delight of the young particpants.
Inspired by the children’s piqued interest which kept them silent, Moo Young also seized the opportunity to have one of the grade six students lead everyone into the singing of Bob Marley’s One Love, before giving a pep talk.
Painter and Educator Melhanie Spence did not seem to be robbed of her time to do her workshop as she benefited from learning more about the tools and patterns of Berger such as the session on making concrete appear to be wood with the special rubber tool. She also thoroughly enjoyed the motivational workshop by the Berger team as she herself showed them and the students new tricks on spot.
Special thanks to Berger Paints, Henkel, The Gleaner Company, Wisynco who gave items for the workshops.
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Super Creative series for Port Royal
DAY 3: Boom end
3-day mind stirring workshop series
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