A great asset to any creative person especially a Jamaican should be a website. Not just any website, but one that can enhance you as a creative person, and certainly one that can build your financial strength.
As soon as you are deciding on building a website, try getting one that has the capacity to facilitate earning through internet advertising services. WordPress is a good start. Ask Jamaicans Carolyn Cooper and Dexter who both own fantastic WordPress blogs.
Websites thrive on content, and your financial strength can be boosted by internet advertising a lot.
Its the new way of the world, linking on the world wide web.. at least for now.
So consider getting an account with google and go for Adsense.
Now getting paid by placing ads on your website is not unique to Adsense, but Google is the most reliable of the lot.
Google has made it a lot easier too with plugins, for the wordpress user.
More on google.com


Other advertiser marketers who place ads on sites include:






Crisp Ads



One can also make money doing referrals and companies which are great partners include:

Amazon Associates

