Thank you for considering sponsoring of OAaSIS International Foundation, which operates not for profit, and its activities. Although operating not-for-profit, sponsorship arrangements are done as business deals where your every mite counts. Please see the different tiers of sponsorship/membership/promotion below.

Please see our brochures or send any questions you may have regarding the tiers below:

SPONSORSHIP/Membership/Promotion TIERS:

Your input: Free
Benefits: access to website, newsletter, mailing list

Your input: 5% of event cost or general contribution up to J$20,000 per annum
Benefits: newsletter, listing in press release as bronze sponsor, advertising on website only for 3 months, mailing list

Your input: 10% of event costs or at least J$20,000 – J$50,000 per annum
Benefits: special mention, Select promo material, updates, newsletter, listing in press release as silver sponsor, advertising on website only for 6 months, mailing list

Your input: 20% of event costs or at least J$50,000-J$100,000 general contribution per annum
Benefits: Select promo material, newsletter, updates, membership discounts on foundation ticketed activities and services at participating locations, listing in press release as gold sponsor, certificate of affiliation, OAaSIS promo items such as teeshirts, advertising on website only for 12 months, special feature on websites, newsletter, mailing list

Your input: 60% of event costs or at least J$100,000-J$500,000 per annum
Benefits: All above plus Full Promo: material at events and websites, membership discounts on foundation ticketed activities, products