Jamaican artists support OAaSIS and Aviation club in raffle with a sketch!

Win-A-Sketch and surprise your special someone with a gift by a Jamaican artist!!
You have two weeks only to purchase your ticket — your chance to be sketched by our artist!!! STARTING TODAY, October 25, 2011.
1. Call 860-2638 – Suite Jamaica
2. or contact club representatives
3. Buy your ticket for J$350 before the event
4. or J$400 at the door
5. If you win, you can either present a photograph or attend a sitting for just 20 minutes

Jeffrey Perry sketching a Jamaican Indian lady

TO BE SKETCHED – you, your family or your loved ones…
All you have to do is arrange to buy a raffle ticket for J$350 over the next two weeks. Tickets will cost J$400 at actual event.
WINNER will be chosen at The Aviation Club Jamaica 5th Anniversary Celebration Dinner to be held at Pegasus NEXT WEEKEND!!!

Proceeds towards the Aviation club and OAaSIS International foundation PIcyc club!